HJB --- GMA --- UFF

Interpolating a square with delay

The JAVA Applet

To change the shape of the picture, click in any red dot point and, with the left mouse button pressed, drag it to a new position!

To scale the picture, press the key “s” and, with it pressed, drag the mouse! To translate the picture, press the key “t” and, with it pressed, drag the mouse!

To reset the picture to its default position and size, press the key “r”. You may also reload this page to restart this applet!

The JAVA language is not installed in your computer.

You may also build your own examples! You just have to modify the applet JAVA parameters in this HTML file. The source code is here:


This applet was developed using the graphical library JAVAVIEW.

The Complex Number and FFT classes were taken from a Princeton's Computer Science Course.

The array initialization using HTML parameters was provided by Yvon Sauvageau.

A very good and concise background of the theory is given here: Discrete Fourier Transform (Wikipedia).
